
Zhongruan Lessons

The ruan (Chinese: 阮) is a traditional Chinese plucked string instrument. It is a lute with a fretted neck, a circular body, and four strings. Its four strings were formerly made of silk but since the 20th century they have been made of steel (flatwound for the lower strings).

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Why Learn Zhongruan?

*Trial Zhongruan lesson is chargeable

Zhongruan Lessons Description

Join our Zhongruan courses, designed to cater to musicians of all ages. Master the essential techniques of playing the Zhong Ruan, through utilizing original zhongruan course materials and a syllabus put together by our qualified instructors.

Let our instructors guide you through a musical journey with our wide repertoire of different Chinese music tunes even if you are a beginner with no prior background in Chinese music. Students who wish to learn for leisure need not take Ruan grading exams. However if you would like to take Ruan grading exams we teach both syllabuses from Confucius Academy – NTU and NAFA – Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing.

In this fun and relaxing group environment, you will get to learn basic strumming techniques, etudes and melodies. Contact us today!

Teaching Methods/Pedagogy

At Eight Tones Music School, our teachers are able to work with students of varying abilities be it for Adult or Children. We take pride in teaching and ensure every student leaves each lesson with a sense of fulfillment. Be it for leisure, learning the basics, building a solid foundation or intensive examinations preparations, we are the music school of choice.

With Zhongruan lessons, expect to be taught proper strumming techniques, in order to produce a clean and resonant sound. You will be taught proper fingering techniques, e.g. how to cradle the Zhognruan and hold the pick in the correct and relaxed method. Good technique is vital and is the base to excel with the Zhongruan

Our teachers are well equipped to teach students of varying abilities and ages. We are able to teach for the following purposes: leisure, foundation building and examination preparation. You will leave each lesson more confident than the previous week.

Unsure of Which Chinese Instrument To Learn?

Do you know that Chinese Instruments are categorized to 4 main sections? 吹,拉,弹, 打, which translates respectively to – Woodwinds, Bowed Strings, Plucked Strings and Percussion.

Find out more about the different Chinese instruments in our weekly 60 minutes workshop, where you will be exposed to various Chinese instruments such as the Erhu, Guzheng, Dizi, Ruan and Pipa.

Purchase your tickets today by clicking on the button below.

Our Ruan Instructors

At Eight Tones Music, our Zhongruan lessons are offered individually for a more focused, flexible pace of learning.

However, we do have Zhongruan group lessons to keep things economical. We keep our Zhong Ruan group classes size small, allowing the instructor to have more attention for each student. Try out our Ruan group lesson today by contacting us.

Embark on your exciting musical journey with and meet different people from different walks of life but with the same passion of learning the Zhong Ruan.

Write-Up Of Our Zhong Ruan Teachers

Click on the names below:

Don’t have your own Ruan to get started on your musical journey? Browse our curated collection of Ruan at our Eight Tones Music Store, catering to all musical levels. Instruments will be provided during your music lessons. However, you will still require a personal instrument for daily practice. Click on the button below to start shopping. 

Student Performance Opportunities & Exposure

Giving our students exposure and performance opportunities is our priority. If you are looking to learn an instrument in order to perform, we would present to you such opportunities – our annual school showcase performance, and also a chance for you to be featured in our music videos (check out the video below or click here).
Having performance opportunities will greatly polish your skills and help in your learning journey, however, this is totally optional if you are learning for your own leisure and have no interest in performing.

Play Video

Our Chinese New Year Music Video, performed by our students – Claire (Pipa), Aron (Ruan), Celeste (Guzheng) and Kai An (Dizi)

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel now!

Benefits of Learning Zhongruan

Chinese orchestra instruments
Benefits Cognitive Response
Chinese orchestra instruments
Cultivates Social Skills
Chinese orchestra instruments stimulates creativity
Encourages Creativity
Chinese orchestra instruments
Gain a Sense of Achievement
Chinese orchestra instruments
Relieves Stress
Chinese orchestra instruments
Heightened Self Esteem & Confidence
Chinese orchestra instruments
Strenghtens Neurophysical Connections
Chinese orchestra instruments
Cultivates Social Skills
Chinese orchestra instruments
Relieves Stress
Chinese orchestra instruments stimulates creativity
Encourages Creativity
Chinese orchestra instruments
Offers a Sense of Achievement
Chinese orchestra instruments
Heightened Self Esteem & Confidence

Learning Zhongruan can help to develop the connection between left and right brain, because Zhongruan requires coordination of many fingers on both the left hand and right hand.

On Your First Zhongruan Lesson

Our teacher will discuss your goals and expectations with you. Design a suitable curriculum, be it for leisure, foundation building or examinations.

If you do not have an instrument and would like to purchase from us, our teacher will help you to pick a Zhongruan which is most suited to you.

Our Zhongruan teacher will discuss your goals and expectations with you. If you would like to expand your repertoire, build on your foundation amongst many others, our teachers will design a suitable course curriculum for you.


The below is based on NAFA (CCOM) Instrumental Ruan Examination (click here for the NTU – TENG examination structure)

Grade 1 – 雨滴, 蜻蜓, 紫竹调, 无锡景, 那波里舞曲, 迎春舞曲

Grade 2 – 步步高, 拉祜小调, 高山流水, 金蛇狂舞, 流, 锦上花

Grade 3 – 山村变了样, 良宵 (除夜小唱), 赛马, 喜唱丰收, 拉骆驼, 新农

Grade 4 – 彩云追月, 旱天雷, 娱乐升平, 划船舞曲 (《新西兰小船歌》), 梅花三弄

Grade 5 – 侗歌, 酒狂, 睡莲, 春天圆舞曲, 湘江之歌

Grade 6 – 花, 龙灯, 渔舟唱晚, 天地之间, 小牧民

Grade 7 – 石林夜曲, 花会, 泼水姑娘, 花下醉, 终南古韵

Grade 8 –  拉萨舞曲, 拍鼓翔龍舞, 丝路驼鈴, 火把节之夜, 边寨营火

Grade 9 –  松风寒, 玉樓月, 山歌, 风摇竹, 云南回忆 (中阮协奏曲) 第一乐章, 草原抒怀

Diploma – 游泰山, 幽远的歌声, 满江红, 孤芳自赏, 思恋, 山涧

Why Choose Us?

Chinese instruments lessons
Easy Scheduling
Chinese instruments lessons
State of the Arts Facilities
Chinese instruments lessons
High Pass Rate
Chinese instruments lessons
Stress-free Environment
Chinese instruments lessons
Centrally Located
Chinese instruments lessons
Experienced and Qualified Instructors
Chinese instruments lessons
Easy Scheduling
Chinese instruments lessons
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Chinese instruments lessons
High Pass Rate in Examinations
Chinese instruments lessons
Stress-Free Environment
Chinese instruments lessons
Centrally Located
Chinese instruments lessons
Versatile and Experienced Teachers

Beginner One-to-One*

Per Lesson


  • Fast Track Learning
  • Best For Beginners
  • Tailor-made lessons
  • Learn Any Pieces You Want
Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, click here

Yes, you can learn the Zhongruan without a musical background. Our teachers will teach you how to read scores and basic techniques. You will be able to perform solo performances and prepare for examinations, depending on your needs

We have Zhongruan students who are of retirement age and are successful players of the Zhongruan. To learn more, feel free to contact our friendly staff.

We have many timeslots available. However, most students come for lesson once a week. You may schedule frequent lessons or for longer periods if you require.

Individual Zhongruan lessons are recommended, where it is 1 student – 1 teacher. This is to ensure you have quality lessons and a curriculum catered just for you.  

Lessons can be taught individually or in groups of not more than 4. However, the groups have to be formed on your own, with a minimum of 2 students.

Our teachers are able to speak both English and Mandarin proficiently.

You will be taught by the same Zhongruan teacher from beginning till end. However, in the event you request to change teachers, this can be done.

Yes, our teachers can teach both English and Chinese pop songs. However, do let us know in advance so our teachers can prepare the necessary teaching materials.

You can purchase an instrument at our school. Based on your needs, budget and physiology, our teacher will be able to pick out a suitable one for you.

Trial Zhongruan lessons are offered one time per instrument and to be paid after lesson. If you are unavailable to come for trial lesson, you have to inform the school within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in a prepaid trial lesson for your next booking.

Click here for more information about our trial lessons

The mode of payment we accept are cash, NETS, cheque, PayNow and bank transfer

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