
Dizi Lessons

Dizi is one of the top 3 most popular at Eight Tones Music School. The Dizi has a clear and vibrant sound, producing a well projected effect when played. Our Dizi teachers are well-equipped to teach students of all ages and different learning abilities. They are skillful and Dizi lessons are well thought out, depending on your prerequisites. You will be taught the fundamentals and make your foray into the world of Chinese Instruments with the DiziNo prior background is needed for you to start your Dizi lessons. Our lessons are conducted in either one-to-one format or in a group lesson format. One-to-one Dizi lessons will have a more flexible schedule and efficient pacing, whereas group Dizi lessons will be more affordable and you will have fun learning with other students.

*If you are not living in Singapore or it is inconvenient for you to attend lessons in person, you can also sign up for our online Dizi lessons (click here to find out more).

*Trial Dizi lesson is chargeable

Featured Collaborations

What Is Dizi?

The dizi (Chinese: 笛子; pinyin: dízi), is a Chinese flute, a wind instrument dating back to 7000 BC. The Dizi as we know it today was revolutionised during the Tang Dynasty, the Dizi is made of a thin hollowed bamboo with holes cut into it. The Dizi unlike other flutes, has a thin membrane pasted over one of its sound holes so as to enhance the instrument vibrations and harmonic range. This gives the Dizi its characteristic sound that we all so love.

Why Learn Dizi?

*Trial Dizi lesson is chargeable

Our Dizi teachers

Our Singaporean Dizi teachers can teach Dizi in a focused yet enjoyable manner. With hands on experience, they are experienced in choosing the right Dizi for you. Smaller hands require smaller Dizi, just as how bigger hands require bigger Dizis. They will be able to tell apart the various grades of bamboo, craftsmanship to pick the Dizi of good value for you.

Three Dizi teachers from our highly dedicated Eight Tones teaching team in a group photo

Teaching Methods/Pedagogy

At Eight Tones Music School, our teachers are able to work with students of all ages and abilities. We take pride in teaching and ensure every student leaves each lesson with a sense of fulfillment. Be it for leisure, learning the basics, building a solid foundation or intensive examinations preparations, Eight Tones is the place to go to learn Dizi in Singapore.

Dizi can be taught at your pace. Guzheng is taught not only as a traditional Chinese music, but can be used to play pop music too.

You do not need to have any musical background to take up Dizi lessons. Our teachers will groom you to have a good grounding, so as to take your Dizi playing to higher levels.

You will be taught the right techniques and inculcate good playing habits while preparing for your exam. Conquer stage fright and learn how to avoid common mistakes during examination.

Write-Up Of Our Dizi Teachers

Click on the names below:

Don’t have your own Dizi to get started on your musical journey? Browse our artisan collection of Dizi at our Eight Tones Music Store, catering to all musical levels. Woodwind instruments (Dizi and Xiao) will not be provided during music lessons due to personal hygiene reasons. Additionally, you will need a personal instrument for daily practice. Click on the button below to start shopping. 

Unsure of Which Chinese Instrument To Learn?

Do you know that Chinese Instruments are categorized to 4 main sections? 吹,拉,弹, 打, which translates respectively to – Woodwinds, Bowed Strings, Plucked Strings and Percussion.

Find out more about the different Chinese instruments in our weekly 60 minutes workshop, where you will be exposed to various Chinese instruments such as the Erhu, Guzheng, Dizi, Ruan and Pipa.

Purchase your tickets today by clicking on the button below.

On Your First Dizi Lesson​

Expect to have a chat with your teacher on what to expect learning the Dizi.
Your teacher will create a curriculum just for you.
If you want to purchase an instrument, the Dizi teacher will be able to advise you.

Your teacher will speak with you to better understand your situation.
If you would like to improve your skills, rework your foundation, level up to a professional level, all that can be done.
If you want to bring your dizi to class, feel free to do so.
If you would like to purchase one, you may do so at our store


The below is based on NAFA (CCOM) Instrumental Dizi Examination (click here for the NTU – TENG examination structure)

Grade 1 – 康定情歌, 老六板, 凤阳花鼓, 嘎达梅林, 八段锦, 浏阳河

Grade 2 – 采茶扑蝶, 茉莉花, 紫竹调, 苏武牧羊, 小开门, 句句双

Grade 3 – 龙虎斗, 金蛇狂舞, 花好月圆, 高山青, 一枝梅, 黄水谣

Grade 4 – 卖菜, 小放牛, 欢乐歌, 赶路, 我是一个兵

Grade 5 – 姑苏行, 塔塔尔族舞曲, 扬鞭催马运糧忙, 列車奔向北京, 水乡船歌

Grade 6 – 五梆子, 喜相逢, 陕北好, 行街, 收割

Grade 7 – 牧民新歌, 草原巡邏兵, 牧笛, 早晨

Grade 8 –  帕米尔的春天, 春到湘江, 秦川抒怀, 鹧鸪飞

Grade 9 –  三五七, 鹧鸪飞, 幽蘭逢春, 秦川情

Diploma – 幽兰逢春, 秋蝶恋花, 绿洲, 箛, 梆笛协奏曲

Student Performance Opportunities & Exposure

Giving our students exposure and performance opportunities is our priority. If you are looking to learn an instrument in order to perform, we would present to you such opportunities – our annual school showcase performance, and also a chance for you to be featured in our music videos (check out the video below or click here).
Having performance opportunities will greatly polish your skills and help in your learning journey, however, this is totally optional if you are learning for your own leisure and have no interest in performing.

Our Chinese New Year Music Video, performed by our students – Claire (Pipa), Aron (Ruan), Celeste (Guzheng) and Kai An (Dizi)

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel now!

Our Annual Student Concert (2022) – free for all students to perform and showcase

Benefits of Learning Dizi

Chinese orchestra instruments
Strenghtens Neurophysical Connections
Chinese orchestra instruments
Cultivates Social Skills
Chinese orchestra instruments stimulates creativity
Encourages Creativity
Chinese orchestra instruments
Offers a Sense of Achievement
Chinese orchestra instruments
Relieves Stress
Chinese orchestra instruments
Heightened Self Esteem & Confidence
Chinese orchestra instruments
Strenghtens Neurophysical Connections
Chinese orchestra instruments
Cultivates Social Skills
Chinese orchestra instruments
Relieves Stress
Chinese orchestra instruments stimulates creativity
Encourages Creativity
Chinese orchestra instruments
Offers a Sense of Achievement
Chinese orchestra instruments
Heightened Self Esteem & Confidence

Learning Dizi can help you to regulate your breathing, it is good for your coordination and physical health.

Why Choose Us?

Chinese instruments lessons
Easy Scheduling
Chinese instruments lessons
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Chinese instruments lessons
High Pass Rate in Examinations
Chinese instruments lessons
Stress-Free Environment
Chinese instruments lessons
Centrally Located
Chinese instruments lessons
Versatile and Experienced Teachers
Chinese instruments lessons
Easy Scheduling
Chinese instruments lessons
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Chinese instruments lessons
High Pass Rate in Examinations
Chinese instruments lessons
Stress-Free Environment
Chinese instruments lessons
Centrally Located
Chinese instruments lessons
Versatile and Experienced Teachers

Group Lesson

Per Lesson


  • Fun Learning Together
  • For Beginners
  • Structured Fixed Syllabus
  • Not For Advanced Level
Contact US

Beginner One-to-One*

Per Lesson


  • Fast Track Learning
  • Best For Beginners
  • Tailor-made lessons
  • Learn Any Pieces You Want
Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, click here

You can learn the Dizi even without a background in music.

No. The Dizi can be easy to master. Have a chat with our staff to learn more. Contact Us now

It is flexible and we can accommodate to your schedule. Most students take weekly lessons with us.

We do both individual and group lessons. However, we recommend individual lessons, 1 student to 1 teacher.

Group lessons are taught; however, groups have to be formed on your own. Kindly note that group lessons are limited to a maximum of 4 students.

More information on our teachers can be found by clicking here

Our teachers are able to speak both English and Mandarin well.

Yes, however, if you wish to switch teachers, this can be arranged.

Sure, our teachers are able to teach English and Chinese pop and jazz.

You can purchase a Dizi at our music school. Your teacher will be able to advise you to purchase a suitable one.

Trial dizi lessons are offered one time per instrument and to be paid after lesson. If you are unavailable to come for trial lesson, you have to inform the school within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in a prepaid trial lesson for your next booking. 

Mode of payment we accepted are cash, NETS, cheque, PayNow and bank transfer.

Ask Us Anything

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